Croatia gets new government with a far

  Release time:2024-06-03 16:59:26  
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Croatian lawmakers on Friday voted into office a new government that marks a 。

ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — Croatian lawmakers on Friday voted into office a new government that marks a tilt to the right in another European Union nation ahead of the 27-nation bloc’s parliamentary election next month.

Although it is still dominated by conservative Croatian Democratic Union, or HDZ, the new Croatian government now also includes hard-right Homeland Movement, a relatively new party that emerged as a kingmaker after an inconclusive parliamentary election in April.

The new Cabinet of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who started his third consecutive term in office, was approved in a 79-61 vote in the 151-member Sabor, or the Croatian assembly.

The HDZ won the most votes in the April 17 election but not enough to rule alone. A relatively slim majority for the new coalition government could usher in a period of political instability after HDZ’s years-long domination.

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